为隆重纪念西安理工大学水利水电学院-土木建筑工程学院办学80周年,4月13日,应我校水利水电学院郑兴教授诚意邀请,阿卜杜拉国王科技大学(King Abdullah University of Science & Technology)王鹏教授来我校做学术报告。来自西北农林科技大学以及我校相关领域的专家、教师、研究生、本科生等多人参加了该学术报告。该活动得到了我校水利水电学院和国际合作交流处的大力支持。
Prof. Peng Wang joined KAUST in September 2009 as a founding faculty member and he is currently as associate professor and program chair in Enviromental science and Engineering program at KAUST . He received his M.S. and Ph.D.degree from the university of California ,Santa Barbara (UCSB),both in Environmental Science and Management . His research focuses on rational design , synthesis , and application of nanomaterials for clean water and clean energy production . His research research constantly produces top journal publications and has garnered attentions from international list . More information regarding professor Wang ’s group and his research can be found athttp://eni.kaust.edu.sa.